Leave your legacy on Belle Isle
Since 2011, the Belle Isle Conservancy has worked tirelessly to protect, preserve, restore and enhance the natural environment, historic structures and unique character of Belle Isle as a public park for the enjoyment of all – now and forever. By committing to make a planned gift, you will leave a permanent legacy on your beloved island. Your gift will ensure the long-term sustainability, enrichment, and vitality of Belle Isle.
Bequest in Will or Trust
With just a few sentences in your will or trust, you can designate a portion of your estate or making a specific bequest by giving cash or securities to the Belle Isle Conservancy. Bequests are a simple and popular way to make a planned gift.
Beneficiary Designations
You can name Belle Isle Conservancy as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. You may determine that your plan or policy may be worth more to Belle Isle than to your heirs because of income and estate taxes.
Endowment Contribution
The Belle Isle Conservancy has an endowment fund with the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. Donations to this fund will enable the longterm viability and success of investments, projects, and programs on Belle Isle.
Charitable Gift Annuities
For donors who are interested in making a charitable contribution, but still wish to retain an income stream during their lifetime, a charitable gift annuity may be an attractive option. When the last annuitant passes, the remainder is added to the Belle Isle Conservancy’s endowment fund.
Plan your gift today
The Belle Isle Conservancy offers several avenues for making a planned gift. Get in touch with us to discuss your options, then consult with your attorney or tax advisor to determine the benefits and risks of a planned gift.

(313) 331-7760

300 River Place Dr
Suite 2800
Detroit, MI 48207
The Belle Isle Conservancy does not provide legal or tax advice. You should consult with your attorney or tax advisor to determine the benefits and risks of any planned gift. This document and other information about gifts to Belle Isle Conservancy are not intended to be used to avoid tax liability.